Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Political Hype Machine

As we get deeper in this political season, the hype machines are spinning out of control. There are some ideas that the media and politicians float out there to get you all pumped up and excited. Here is the reality, none of the politicians really care about these issues or have any intention of attempting to change. The idea is that some voters are single issue voters and get really bent out of shape on their particular issue.  They are kind of used as weapons of mass distraction to take your eye off what they will really try to push through.  So of course there should be some examples of these types of issues.

No matter what you feel about the abortion debate there will not be many changes to the current abortion laws. Every four years we get into this debate because there is a thought that whoever we elect will either protect or destroy the current abortion laws of the land. Reality both parties use this hot button issue to steal your vote. Basically using your passion against you. Think about it George W. Bush was a strong pro-life advocate and with a Republican led House and Senate he never once mad any moves on the abortion law. The Supreme Court has not made any major changes in its position over the last 40 years despite conservative judges being added to the bench.
Roe v Wade

Same Sex Marriage
The new fire starting political issue is Same Sex Marriage. The reality is that most politicians don't care about the issue and only move based on the polls in their state.  In reality most states will allow the practice of same sex marriage and pass legislation over the next 15 years.  Bad news for supporters of this is that it will probably not happen any sooner.   Marriage is an issue that is traditionally handled by the states and people you elect to national office will not have much effect on the issue.  More conservative states will not pass anything anytime soon but will feel pressure when their more liberal neighbors have jumped on board.  That will probably only happen when these politicians feel some financial pressure from companies that want to ensure they will be able to market to the gay community.

The same way George Bush with his GOP led congress never got that constitutional amendment banning gay marriage.  Do not expect President Obama to propose one that will protect same sex marriage.  Since you all as voters appear to care so much on both sides they will pretend to care but there will be no action done after November. 

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